Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Schools : A new way to teach Biology ? Resources

Animated images depicting how cells internalize molecules on the cell surface. 
photo: Robert A. Lue

Together Harvard University and XVIVO developed this 3D animation journey for Harvard's undergraduate Molecular and Cellular Biology students about the microscopic world of mitochondria.

The animation highlights the creation of Adenosine Triphosphate (ATP) - mobile molecules which store chemical energy derived from the breakdown of carbon-based food.

ATP molecules act as a kind of currency, imparting chemical energy to power all the functional components of cellular activity.

This animation is the second in a series of award winning animations XVIVO is creating for Harvard's educational website BioVisions at Harvard.

The first program, Inner Life of the Cell, received international acclaim and can be seen both on our website and the BioVisions site.


It can play a significant part in education. The Harvard biologist E.O. Wilson is leading a project to develop the next generation of digital biology textbook that will integrate complex visualizations as a core part of the curriculum. 
Called Life on Earth, the project will include visualizations from Mr. Berry and is being overseen by Dr. McGill, who believes it could change how students learn biology. Read more...

 An image of cell death created by Drew Berry, a biologist whose work has been shown in museums. CreditDrew Berry/The Walter and Eliza Hall Institute of Medical Research

Two interesting digital resources to include into sciences curriculum at school. Students will understand better the creation of Adenosine Triphosphate (ATP) and other science itens.

Resources: Videos

Teachers and sciences students are invited to visit the BioVisions site where they can find a great number of videos to support their teaching and learning

“I think visualization is going to be the key to the future,” 
Dr. McGill
And you? What do you think? 

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Schools : A new way to teach Biology ? Resources by G-Souto is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported License.


New York Times | Science

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