Thursday, December 27, 2012

Christmas rundown of the most popular posts #1

photo: Nils Jorgensen | Rex Features

Students and teachers are taking a few days off to enjoy Christmas festive season with family and to recharge batteries near family and friends. 

While I am away I'm re-running the most popular posts of the year. On this post I'm re-running the most popular of the first semester. The selection is based on pageviews during 2012.

Wall-E (filme)

Let's continue to inspire our students, this time for Earth Day 2012 by elevating the importance of Environmental issues around the world. School time is a wonderful moment to teach and share some of these civic values.

Wall-E a green resource for Earth day 2012 was the most read of first semester! Of course!  Wall-E by Pixar is a beautiful 'green' movie.

Now you are smiling! Yes, it's true! I wrote about Andrew Stanton and his TEDTalk on on of my posts because I was thinking about Wall-E as a green digital resource to display in the classroom. A touching digital storytelling about Earth that can be included as a cross-curricula project.

Wall-E! Such a poetic film that won the 66th Awards Oscars, at the category Animated movies (2009).
"Wall-E was to find beauty", said Stanton during his talk on TED.



"Our planet, our home is being neglected. Climate change continues unabated. It seems there's a new ecological disaster happening almost daily." 

Schools have an important role promoting environmental education as a civic value. So, educators can teach and share environmental values in different moments of their lessons, providing some thoughts and digital resources, educating young people for a sustainable future and inspiring them being a good example.

The Earth won't wait! 

"Educating today’s youth about environmental sustainability has the power to capture the attenion of students, teachers, parents, the community, and beyond. 

Earth Day 2012’s education mission is simple: encourage as many K-12 schools as possible to paricipate in Earth Day aciviies that teach the importance of civic and environmental responsibility."

Know Green, Go Green

"Because we don't think about future generations, they will never forget us."

 Henrik Tikkanen 

Trust 2011

Trust: a film about safety on Internet was the right post to encourage parents and educators to involve on online safety of young people at Make your Safer Internet Day. The 2012 theme was centred on "Connecting generations and educating each other". SID 2012 encouraged users young and old to "discover the digital world together... safely"!

"With all of the potential that the online world and new technology offers, young people now have access to huge opportunities. They use technology to express themselves, explore, and be creative; it has changed the way they communicate."

Annie and her mother | Trust
Indeed! Internet changed the way we express and the way teens communicate with friends and no friends. And that is the other side of the Internet. So, I would like to share with you a special but difficult film about teens safety online.
When I watched the film, I spent some time lost in my thoughts. I couldn't believe! Back to school, I discussed the film with some teachers (men and women). Later, I discussed it with parents and their children, my students (up-to 14-15). 
"The Internet is positive for children – not just for online education, but as a place to socialise, play and create. But whether they're doing it for school work or play, they must be able to do it safely, to forge positive relationships and cope with online risks."

Neelie Krois
Vice-President of the European Commission
Responsible for the Digital Agenda

Poster: Juan Gedovius

International Children's Book DaySince 1967, on or around Hans Christian Andersen's birthday, 2 April, International Children's Book Day (ICBD) is celebrated to inspire the love of reading and to call attention to children's books.

Each year, a different National Section of IBBY has the opportunity to be the international sponsor of ICBD. It decides upon a theme and invites a prominent author from the host country to write a message to children of the world and a well-known illustrator to design a poster.  

Mexico was the sponsor country 2012! The theme was "Once upon a time, there was a story that the whole world told", Juan Gedovius was the poster designer, Francisco Hinojosa wrote the message that can be read here (Spanish).

Hans Christian Andersen tales

2012 is also Hans Christian Andersen Award, considered the most prestigious in international children’s literature, given biennially by the "International Board on Books for Young People" to a living author and illustrator whose complete works are judged to have made lasting contributions to children's literature.

Pluma de gato, 2011

Un  libro que  corta el corazón!”

Marina Colasanti
The Hans Christian Andersen Award Jury of the "International Board on Books for Young People" (IBBY) announced that María Teresa Andruetto from Argentina was the winner of the 2012 Hans Christian Andersen Author Award, and Peter Sís from the Czech Republic was the winner of the 2012 Hans Christian Andersen Illustrator Award.


"There is an art of reading, as well as an art of thinking, and an art of writing."
Isaac D'Israeli

I write often about books and the importance of reading in school (several of my posts are about reading books (digital or paper) in elementary and secondary education

I am a huge fan of reading in school. As educators, we have an ubiquitous responsability to encourage the love of reading in our students by exploring this wonderful and magical resource (digital or paper) in our lessons (in and out curricula).

International Children's Book Day is a fantastic motivation to tell and experiment with our students how reading can be a gift by stimulating the imagination and "offering creative solutions to obstacles that we will find along the way."

The love love for books and reading are 'exquis' moments in Languages curricula, in the classroom or out school on blended learning.

All researchs show that owning books plays a key role in encouraging reading and we need to do all we can to make that happen. 

"No sé si basta la escuela, pero la escuela es lo que tenemos, lo único que tenemos todos los ciudadanos. (...) Sería mejor, claro, tener, además de la escuela, libros en todos los hogares, padres lectores estimulando a sus hijos en todas partes, hombres y mujeres y niños sin carencia económica alguna, pero sabemos que no es esa nuestra realidad, aunque debemos trabajar para que algún día lo sea. Eso en lo que a la lectura respecta."

Maria Teresa Andruetto 

"The children concerned in child labour should be at school being educated, and acquiring skills that prepare them for decent work as adults."

By entering the labour market prematurely, they are deprived of this critical education and training that can help to lift them, their families and communities out of a cycle of poverty."

Human Rights and Social Justice? Let's end child's labour! I already wrote about Child Poverty in Developed Countries. Watching David, I realized how important it was to draw attention to situations like students living below poverty line in our schools or countries.

World Day Against Child Labour. After all, the theme is the same. So, I never give to write about Human Rights and most of all, the right of all children to be protected from poverty and from child labour. Child labout is a tremendous violation of fundamental human rights and children rights.

Hundreds of millions of young people, girls and boys throughout the world, are engaged in work that deprives them of "adequate education, health, leisure and basic freedom", violating their rights. 

All schools and other educational institutions make a special effort to inform children of their rights according to the Declaration of the Rights of the Child and the Convention on the Rights of the Child. 

Numerous tools and initiatives exist to inspire and motivate students of all ages, from primary school right through to university, on the subject of child labour.

"There is no room for complacency when 215 million children are still labouring to survive and more than half of these are exposed to the worst forms of child labour, including slavery and involvement in armed conflict. We cannot allow the eradication of child labour to slip down the development agenda — all countries should be striving to achieve this target, individually and collectively"
Juan Somavia, ILO Director-General

Le Bavardage Parlons-en enfin
Fayard | Janvier 2012

"J’enseigne la philosophie en lycée depuis bientôt vingt ans et, au fil des années, je me suis rendu compte que, dans les classes, le problème le plus répandu et le plus délicat à négocier était le bavardage. (...)
Florence Ehnuel, professeure
Alors! Bavardage! Parlons-en? Comme professeure de Langues confrontée quotidiennement au brouhaha dans mes classes, je fais de ce mal une marque positive, un bavardage 'autorisé'.

Moi, je vois souvent le bavardage comme un élément positif, Il peut contenir une certaine pédagogie active, en particulier de la mienne, à savoir un bavardage pleinement 'autorisé', un temps d’expression verbal surtout d’entrée de cours ou petite 'pause' pendant le cours.

Il n'est pas à proscrire, et il est conseillé si c'est le reflèxe de l'interêt des étudiants au sujet qu'on présente en cours. 
Rappelons-nous que la classe est un "lieu de vie et d’échanges".Et que la pédagogie diférenciée est une réalité dans nos jours. 

Je mesure la complexité du sujet, en classe (collège et lycée), mais tentons (conseil d’ancien) une approche raisonnée et mesurée de ce phénomène, en exploitant mieux les richesses potentielles très révélatrices de la société médiatique que nous vivons et peut-être en minimisant un peu plus les aspects négatifs,

Enfin il serait bon aussi de redécouvrir (quelques secondes) la puissance régénératrice du silence en groupe. Ça s'apprend aussi.

Cave of the Heart | Heidi Stoeckley Nogoy
Martha Graham Dance Company
Photo: John Dean

"Through time, through the ages, what endures is mostly art. Art seems to be everything humankind leaves to its heirs – whether through buildings or books or paintings or music. Or movement, or dance. In that sense, I think of dance as the 
most current, the most up-to-date history lesson, as it is in a constant relationship with its most recent past and can only happen in the present."

Siri Larbi Cherkaouimessage 

International Dance Day & Education is the last of these six posts. Since 1982, by the initiative of the International Theatre Institute (ITI), Dance is celebrated throughout the world every year on April 29th. 

Les objectifs de la Journée Internationale de la Danse et du message sont de réunir le monde de la danse, rendre hommage à la danse, célébrer son universalité et, franchissant toutes les barrières politiques, culturelles et ethniques, rassembler l’humanité toute entière en amitié et paix autour de la danse, langage univers. 


"Je crois que la danse est l’une des formes d’expression les plus honnêtes, que nous devons chérir : car lorsque les gens dansent, que ce soit dans un ballet, une 
battle hip hop, un spectacle expérimental de danse contemporaine ou simplement dans une discothèque, ils se lâchent, et rarement alors les mensonges peuvent se déployer, les masques se porter. Les gens se reflètent les uns les autres constamment mais quand ils dansent, ce qu’ils reflètent sans doute le plus est ce moment d’honnêteté."

Siri Larbi Cherkaoui, message 

Dance is a fun and fresh integrative part in the school curricula as Music is. Dance is also a good therapy for young people in the school. Dance movement therapy and the power of dance are used to inspire, uplift and heal.
Dance give students the concentration, discipline, and the pleasure to express themselves with creativity.

I really hope that you will enjoy every moment of this 2012 rundown of the most popular posts (1st semester) and will discover some different pedagogical ideas to introduce in your lessons.

Remember! "Your imagination can create a reality" as James Cameron said. School should be a place where our students learn the pleasure to learn and to be imaginative.

Thank you to all of you that kindly read my blog and share my thoughts on Education in your lessons.

"A classroom should not be about a teacher talking, but about students doing"

Happy and Safe Festive Season!


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Christmas rundown of the most-read posts #1 bG-Souto is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported License.

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