Monday, December 31, 2012

Education : Happy New Year 2013

"Everyone has the right to education."

"A quality education throughout life is the birthright of every woman, man and child. In turn, education, particularly that of girls and women, aids progress across 
all development goals."

Qian Tang, UNESCO 
Assistant Director-General for Education

Gender inequality is still an obstacle to Education for All. Two out of three countries in the world face gender disparities in primary and secondary education, and as many as half will not achieve the goal of gender parity in education by 2015, according to the 2010 Global Education Digest – the agship publication of the UNESCO Institute for Statistics.

Photograph: Alamy

But there is still obstacles to Education inequality disparities in schools. 

There is a strong correlation between poverty and disability. For example, most children with disabilities live in developing countries and represent a third of all out-of-school children. Those who attend are less likely to complete their schooling. The education for children with disabilities for the most part continues to take place in separate educational settings.

Poverty in developed countries is going worst.Teachers report more children turning up for school hungry and unready to learn, every day. Immediate action is a moral imperative.

Inégalités sociales et territoriales, inégalités technologiques, discriminations, pédagogies inadaptées, pénurie d’enseignants, pauvreté sont aujourd’hui autant de raisons qui impactent l’accès de tous à une éducation de qualité et réduisent les perspectives d’avenir de toute une jeunesse. 

"Chaque enfant est différent, chaque famille aussi. L’uniformisation éducative amène à un appauvrissement des apprentissages et de la relation élève-enseignant. Avec des pratiques participatives comme les projets d’écoles, notamment sur l’éducation aux médias, l’enfant reprend confiance, s’engage dans un projet, apprend de ses pairs."

Alors, je finis l'année 2012 avec un message d'espoir! Je vous proprose de regarder la vidéo et de lire les vers de Jacques Prévert:

"Et les vitres redeviennent sable
l'encre redevient eau
les pupitres redeviennent arbres (...)." 

Jacques Prévert, Page d'écriture, 1945

We're in the last hours of 2012 and I would like to say thank you to all of you who have read and shared any or all posts that I have published on G-Souto's Blog this year.

After more than seven full years of writing this blog I'm still amazed by the support of all of you from all over the world. The satellite map is clear.

"Optimism is essential to achievement and it is also the foundation of courage and true progress."

Nicholas Murray Butler
1862-1947, Philosopher, Diplomat and Educator

I wish everyone the best! Happy New Year to all educators! 

Let's continue our beautiful work in 2013! 


Copyright © 2012G-Souto'sBlog,®

Licença Creative Commons
Education : Happy New Year 2013 by G-Souto is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported License.


Credits; videos UNESCO | Aide et Action

Respecting the rights of persons with disabilities
UNESCO and Education: Everyone has the right to education 

Aide et Action

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