Monday, March 4, 2013

February rundown of the most-read posts

Photo: Steven McCaig | Getty Images

"Once you believe something's real, you transfer everything that you feel onto it."

Robert Legato 

This rundown of the most-read posts of February is shorter because I have been very busy. Blogging is a pleasure not a work. So, first the work and then the pleasure.

So, I really thank my readers who continue to follow my posts and reading the last ones.

The readers, educators no doubt!, of my blog know that I love to share some pedagogical proposals as possible and activities to include into in their lessons.

The classroom must be an open window to the world. Students must feel free to talk and share ideas about all the subjects they care about, in and around every curriculum.

When I find some interesting ideas, I love to transform them in pedagogical resources considering how they add to my thinking and practice.

Paperman is the most read post of the last month. The innovative animated short Paperman (Disney) from first-time director John Kahrs is just stunning. 

|John Kahrs

My students love to have a different lesson on Valentine's Day, February 14th! So, I always prepare something new to my class on this day.

When I published it I wrote about Oscar nominees. Now, let's talk about Oscar winners

And Paperman is the winner of the 10 animated shorts being considered for an Oscar last February 24th at the Academy Awards

A little urban fairy tale. Charming! I love the touch of red in this otherwise gray world. Meg lipstick. Of course!

Paperman (short)

Is It Destiny? 

Paperman! is a captivating short animated film about destiny and the power of second chances. Do you believe in destiny? I do. Sometimes...


Passion is essential in school world. We must keep our students passionate in our lessons.

Everyday we must introduce something captivating in our lessons, even we are teaching important skills in serious curriculum. Passion is what will make our students enter in the classroom waiting for something special in the middle of a lesson everyday. 

They will really realize that teachers love what they do, that we think about them when we are preparing a lesson for the next day. 

Keep your students passionate in your lessons.


Start the lesson asking them to use their smartphones and share Paperman's link. Each student will watch the entire six-and-a-half-minute video just for fun. 

Surprise is essential to keep students wired!

Keep an eye on their reactions, began a word wall. Word walls offer readily available support to readers and writers, and let you teach skills in a meaningful context. 

RoboPary 2013

Mais uma vez o mote está dado para atrair centenas de jovens das escolas portuguesas. 

A 7ª edição do RoboParty que vai decorrer de 14 a 16 Março 2013 já excedeu as expectiativas dos organizadores. Cem equipas inscritas e umas tantas em lista de espera, embora o prazo de inscrições já tenha encerrado.

Roboparty consiste num evento pedagógico que reúne equipas de 4 pessoas (três jovens e um adulto) durante 3 dias e duas noites. 
Ensina a construir robôs móveis autónomos, de uma forma simples, divertida e com acompanhamento por pessoas qualificadas.

RoboParty 2012

The RoboParty 2013 as RoboParty 2012 aims to immerse students from the 1st grade to college studies, as well among the general public in the exciting world of Science and Technology (Electronics, Robot Programming, and Mechanics).

Find out in 2 minutes what is RoboParty in this informative leaflet.


"Use the motivational effects of robotics to excite students about science and technology." 
Robotics has aroused great curiosity among young people. There are more groups and robotics clubs throughout Portugal concentrated in universities, secondary and vocational schools.

The result of events like this it is a fun, exciting and stimulating environment in which students discover the important connection between classroom lessons and real-world applications.

Another awesome interactive Google doodle that we can include into in our lessons! 

February 19th, Google interactive Doodle celebrated the 540th anniversary of Nicolaus Copernicusmathematician and astronomer. Copernicus's work helped popularize the idea that Earth revolves around the Sun, instead of the other way round, as was commonly believed at the time.

Nicolas Copernicus
Credits: Wellcome Library, London 


It is not the first time that I include Doodles of the day in school curricula. It's a wonderful motivation and it can surprise your students. 

Well, there are a lot of funny and engaging activities about Sciences and Humanities that we can create and share with our students, on informal learning or hybrid learning (online learning) and face-to-face teaching with BYOD (bring your own device). 

International Mother Language Day

"In this age of new technologies, books remain precious instruments, easy to handle, sturdy and practical for sharing knowledge, mutual understanding and opening the world to all. Books are the pillars of knowledge societies and essential for promoting freedom of expression and education for all."

Irina Bokova, UNESCO Director General 

This year, the theme of the International Mother Language Day was and still is :

 "Books for Mother tongue education”.

IMLD 2013 aims to remind key stakeholders in Education that in order to support Mother language education, it is essential to support the production of books in local languages.
Mother language education in its broader sense refers to the use of mother tongues in the home environment and in schools.

©Google / ©UNESCO
Interactive Atlas of the World’s Languages in Danger

"To preserve a language, people should nourish that language, use it and produce materials in that language in both soft and hard copies. 

Technology can’t be blamed because it’s a tool and that’s how people use it. Once we start using the language then it gets passed on to the next generation. 

So, I share with you something special: In Portugal, there is a national dialect -Mirandês - spoken by 15 000 people in a small area, in the northeastern of Portugal, along the frontier with Spain, covering the municipality of Miranda do Douro and a part of the municipality of Vimioso 

L Princepico (mother language)
Antoine de St-Exupéry

Le Petit Prince has an edition in Mirandês since April 2011. Its aim is to disseminate the Mirandese language lack written form. 

Mirandese language:

The Mirandese language is been used for years as a language passed on to the next generations by speakers only. Since 1986–87 it has been taught to students between the ages of 10 and 11, and so is recovering.

Believe me! You will have a motivated class that will learn literature or science. To us, "the attitude" of changing methods, and the creative mind to facilitate different learning activities at our young students!

Schools are very important environments of teaching and learning. They have an important role aiming to renew and reinvigorate global knowledge as they have the mission to educate children and adolescents as future citizens.

These resources are educational challenges to promote some good values in the new generations that will be vigilant and helping to find path towards precious solutions to society and planet. Humanities and Sciences are the basic curricula.

I really hope that you will enjoy every pedagogical proposal written in February and you will discover some new pedagogical ideas to include into your lessons.

I thank you very much to all the colleagues from around the world that kindly read my blog but are shy (?) to become followers.

Obstacles don’t have to stop you. If you run into a wall, don’t turn around and give up. Figure out how to climb it, go through it, or work around it.

Michael Jordan


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February rundown of the most-read posts bbG-Souto is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International License.

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