Friday, January 24, 2014

First InGenious Competition for Schools: STEM

Are you a curious and innovative teacher? Have you creative students?  So InGenious is for you.

inGenious, the European platform in STEM education, is looking "for teachers from the European Union, FYROM, Switzerland and Turkey, and from all disciplines, to be rewarded."
You have some days left to enter the competition, 31 January 2014by presenting activities you have implemented in your class to help pupils understand the role played by STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering and Maths) in our lives and the career opportunities that STEM skills can open.

The inGenious competition aims to raise pupils’ awareness of STEM studies and careers, by exploring innovative sectors, breaking down stereotypes, addressing tomorrow's challenges, and understanding how we can make a difference. 

Where is is taking place:

This competition is for any and every motivated primary and secondary level teacher from either of the European member states, Israel and Turkey. 

What is it about: 

inGenious is looking for creative individuals that have a real passion to inspire and prepare students for innovative and highly recognized paths and careers in science, technology, engineering and maths.

Teachers are asked to help pupils find the link between their passions, such as mobile technologies, robotics or space exploration, and obtaining the necessary skills to reach career paths in these domains.

  • Teach and inspire by conducting thought-provoking lessons, activities in class, takling issues around false stereotypes, understanding which skills lead to which opportunities, and talking about the many attractions towards high level STEM sector jobs;   
  • Reach out and Discover by inviting experts, visiting a factory, testing industry practices, conducting role plays;
  • Show and tell by creating high quality materials and resources that can be shared in classrooms across borders, make the experience fun and interactive.
"Explain what you have done, and why other colleagues from across Europe may find it useful and should apply it in their class, and get rewarded: you will be invited in Brussels for the European Award ceremony award and a science workshop."
The competition was launched in September 2013 and the deadline is 31 January 2014. 
Important information: 
Only activities conducted between this time-frame will be considered eligible. However, teachers will still be able to submit their entries throughout the month of February.
How to apply:
Visit Guidelines, Terms and Conditions here
Important: Download the inGenious Competition Guidelines
To submit your entries go on My Entries here
In My entries, you will be able to access a private area to manage the submission of your competition entries! 

If you are looking for inspiration, check the inGenious resources. And now watch the video Ignite your Future below:

Ignite Your Future is a video with supporting lesson plan series that challenges pupils directly to think about a future in a science related career. Ignite Your Future makes powerful connections between the innovations pupils enjoy, their school studies and STEM careers. 

Why participate?

There are many reasons to participate in the inGenious competition
  • Earn the chance to be one of the 30 finalists to attend the Award Ceremony in Brussels 
  • Earn the chance to win an invitation for the Science disseminators workshop
  • Share and learn from like-minded teachers across Europe
Some thoughs:

I teach Humanities. And since 2000 I could understand the importance of technology in curricula. So I introduced ICT in my Languages lessons. It aimed to deliver high impact in building digital competences in Languages curricula. My students were very happy.

ICT enhanced learning in the classroom, formal education, and online, informal education.

It's interesting that I practiced fl
ipped classroom on the time, but we didn't name it like this. After all pedagogy doesn't change so much, only the wordsto name it.

Now, we are talking a lot about STEM (technology, maths, science...) but the curricula students must take outside of the major, is still part of every degree. That we call General Education.

Students need Humanities as they need Arts in School Education. And of course STEM as well. Not only STEM.

The time is for STEM. However, Humanities, Arts and STEM must continue stand up together for a complete education.

" I may still have a conflict of interest in that I want my children and grandchildren and my students' children to get not simply a degree, but a basic and substantive education. They are growing fast, and this rehabilitation is long past due."

J. W. Powell

You are a STEM educator? Go on and show your creativity with your students and apply to InGenious competition!



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First InGenious Competition for Schools: STEM by G-Souto is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported License.

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