Friday, February 7, 2014

January rundown of the best posts

Porto | Lighthouse Atlantic ocean
photo: Veselin Malinov

Hello again from Porto, Portugal where I am months away from anything resembling warm weather. Rain, fast winds and huge storms on Atlantic ocean

Yes, Porto is a city open to the Atlantic ocean and huge storms are happening on the sea as you can see on the photo above.

Before January  most popular posts, I would like to point the National Libraries Day 2014.

Tomorrow, Saturday 8 February 2014, is National Libraries Day. It rounds off a week’s worth of celebrations in school, college, university, workplace and public libraries across the UK

National Libraries Day shines a light on the people that provide access to knowledge in UK communities, workplaces, schools, colleges and Universities; librarians and information professionals. 
Every day they are improving literacy rates, connecting people with the information they need to succeed and helping to build a fair and prosperous society. 
So, get involved on National Libraries Day. Use the library events map to find out what libraries in your area are doing to celebrate National Libraries Day. Simply click on its Google Map to see what’s happening at a library near you.

And now, here are January's most popular posts:

I kept the order of the most viewed, but eliminated the posts that seemed less relevant. The main reason is that sometimes certain posts acquire too much visibility, not for their value but for the keywords that the search engines "like" indexing. 

As the last post of the selection is about books, I would like to finish this post, returning on libraries. I love libraries. 

Did you know that Portugal have two of the most beautiful libraries in the word?

University of Coimbra, General Libary

The University of Coimbra General Library, Coimbra, Portugal and Mafra National Palace Library, Mafra, Portugal

Mafra National Palace Library

“In the 21st century libraries are more necessary than ever. We are in the middle of an information revolution and librarians and information professionals are central to it. Their contribution to society is immense and wide-ranging and includes helping people to find work, supporting the government’s digital by default agenda, improving literacy and encouraging reading for pleasure."
Phil Bradley, CLIP President


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January rundown of the best posts bG-Souto is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported License.

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